Mommy life

Why you should definitely befriend that single mama in your kid’s friend group

You know who she is, chances are she comes to those classroom parties by herself, if she even gets to come at all, because she probably needs to save her time off from work for when her child is sick. Nothing feels more alienating than being the token single mama in a group of happily… Continue reading Why you should definitely befriend that single mama in your kid’s friend group

Mommy life

Mozzarella stuffed turkey meatballs (or beef, if that is the person that you are, no judgment)

My child came home from school today a little bit tired and cranky. I came home from work a lot tired, with some swollen glands in my throat…a forboding feeling for the sickness to come. The only solution, before a bubble bath and some extra bedtime snuggles, was a massive amount of carbs, AKA, spaghetti… Continue reading Mozzarella stuffed turkey meatballs (or beef, if that is the person that you are, no judgment)

Mommy life

She ain’t nothing but a Goal Digger

  It’s the most wonderful time…..of the year.  Yes, I love Christmas, BUT, I also adore the day after Christmas, the day when you can clean your house and put your decorations away.  The new year is right around the corner and everything feels fresh and new.  This Christmas was particularly difficult for me and… Continue reading She ain’t nothing but a Goal Digger

Mommy life

Co-parenting for the Christmas season (and year round, for that matter)

I love my child more than anything else in this whole world (and I tell him that on the daily).  Never in a million years did I dream when I had him that I would eventually have to share my precious time with him with his daddy.  At first I kind of thought my heart… Continue reading Co-parenting for the Christmas season (and year round, for that matter)

Mommy life

My Favorite Finance Tools (AKA, if you told me five years ago I would be writing this, I would have spit my $5 latte out onto my desk)

I can be a bit obsessive at times (ok, a lot), so when I get stuck on something, my hard headed genes (that my sweet child inherited on both sides) will not let me give up until I see it to fruition.  My life has swung the pendulum, though, in the last decade.  While I… Continue reading My Favorite Finance Tools (AKA, if you told me five years ago I would be writing this, I would have spit my $5 latte out onto my desk)

Mommy life

Taking the Crazy out of your Crazy Morning Routine

I have one little tiny person, two cats (more or less, not counting the pack of stray ones who congregate outside our home and sometimes break into the sunroom) and one giant dog. I do not know how families handle their morning routine when they have more than one little stubborn child.  I hear mommies… Continue reading Taking the Crazy out of your Crazy Morning Routine